Version 0.01 -------------------- Detailed Information -------------------- Rictus is a simple IRC Bot written in POE. --------------------- Documentation Roadmap --------------------- Rictus is heavily documented and comes with example config file (bot.cfg) and a standard bot script (rictus). Both can be found in the examples directory. --------------------- Installing Rictus-Bot --------------------- Rictus-Bot can be installed through the CPAN or CPANPLUS shell in the usual manner. % perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install Rictus::Bot Or % cpan -i Rictus::Bot ------------ Test Results ------------ The CPAN Testers are a group of volunteers who test new CPAN distributions on a number of platforms. You can see their test results at: POE's ongoing improvement relies on your feedback. You file bug reports, feature requests, and even success stories by e-mailing <>. ------------- Test Coverage ------------- Rictus-Bot comes with no test but requires that you have the following installed. Config-Simple POE POE-Component-IRC ---------------- Full Change Logs ---------------- Thanks to the magic of distributed version control, Rictus-bot is hosted at Github You can browse the source at: Complete change logs can also be browsed at thise site. it does provide RSS news feeds for those who want to follow development in near-realtime. ---- Bye! ---- Thanks for reading! -- scott Cilley / /