Mail-Webmail-Gmail version 1.09 =============================== INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: lib qw(lib) LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Headers HTTP::Cookies HTTP::Request::Common Crypt::SSLeay Exporter COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005-2006, Allen Holman. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA CONTACT INFO Address bug reports and comments to: mincus \at cpan \. org. Or through AIM at mincus c03. Please visit for other projects that I am working on. When sending bug reports, please provide the version of, the version of Perl and the name and version of the operating system you are using. SAMPLE USAGE my ( $gmail ) = Mail::Webmail::Gmail->new( username => 'username', password => 'password', ); ### Test Sending Message #### my $msgid = $gmail->send_message( to => '', subject => time(), msgbody => 'Test' ); print "Msgid: $msgid\n"; if ( $msgid ) { if ( $gmail->error() ) { print $gmail->error_msg(); } else { ### Create new label ### my $test_label = "tl_" . time(); $gmail->edit_labels( label => $test_label, action => 'create' ); if ( $gmail->error() ) { print $gmail->error_msg(); } else { ### Add this label to our new message ### $gmail->edit_labels( label => $test_label, action => 'add', 'msgid' => $msgid ); if ( $gmail->error() ) { print $gmail->error_msg(); } else { print "Added label: $test_label to message $msgid\n"; } } } } ### ### Move message to trash ### my $msgid = $gmail->send_message( to => '', subject => "del_" . time(), msgbody => 'Test Delete' ); if ( $gmail->error() ) { print $gmail->error_msg(); } else { $gmail->delete_message( msgid => $msgid, del_message => 0 ); if ( $gmail->error() ) { print $gmail->error_msg(); } else { print "MSG: $msgid moved to trash\n"; } } ### ### Delete all SPAM folder messages ### my $messages = $gmail->get_messages( label => $Mail::Webmail::Gmail::FOLDERS{ 'SPAM' } ); if ( @{ $messages } ) { my @msgids; foreach ( @{ $messages } ) { push( @msgids, $_->{ 'id' } ); } $gmail->delete_message( msgid => \@msgids, search => 'spam', del_message => 1 ); if ( $gmail->error() ) { print $gmail->error_msg(); } else { print "Deleted " . @msgids . " Messages\n"; } } ### ### Print out all user defined labels my @labels = $gmail->get_labels(); foreach ( @labels ) { print "Label: '" . $_ . "'\n"; } ### ### Prints out new messages attached to the first label my @labels = $gmail->get_labels(); my $messages = $gmail->get_messages( label => $labels[0] ); if ( defined( $messages ) ) { foreach ( @{ $messages } ) { if ( $_->{ 'new' } ) { print "Subject: " . $_->{ 'subject' } . " / Blurb: " . $_->{ 'blurb' } . "\n"; } } } ### ### Prints out all attachments my $messages = $gmail->get_messages(); foreach ( @{ $messages } ) { my $email = $gmail->get_indv_email( msg => $_ ); if ( defined( $email->{ $_->{ 'id' } }->{ 'attachments' } ) ) { foreach ( @{ $email->{ $_->{ 'id' } }->{ 'attachments' } } ) { print ${ $gmail->get_attachment( attachment => $_ ) } . "\n"; if ( $gmail->error() ) { print $gmail->error_msg(); } } } } ### ### Prints out the vendor link from Ads attached to a message my $messages = $gmail->get_messages( label => $Mail::Webmail::Gmail::FOLDERS{ 'INBOX' } ); foreach ( @{ $messages } ) { print "ID: " . $_->{ 'id' } . "\n"; my %email = %{ $gmail->get_indv_email( msg => $_ ) }; if ( $email{ $_->{ 'id' } }->{ 'ads' } ) { my $ads; foreach $ads ( @{ $email{ $_->{ 'id' } }->{ 'ads' } } ) { print " - AD LINK: $ads->{vendor_link}\n"; } } } ### ### Shows different ways to look through your email my $messages = $gmail->get_messages(); print "By folder\n"; foreach ( keys %Mail::Webmail::Gmail::FOLDERS ) { print "KEY: $_\n"; my $messages = $gmail->get_messages( label => $Mail::Webmail::Gmail::FOLDERS{ $_ } ); print "\t$_:\n"; if ( @{ $messages } ) { foreach ( @{ $messages } ) { print "\t\t$_->{ 'subject' }\n"; } } } print "By label\n"; foreach ( $gmail->get_labels() ) { $messages = $gmail->get_messages( label => $_ ); print "\t$_:\n"; if ( defined( $messages ) ) { if ( @{ $messages } ) { foreach ( @{ $messages } ) { print "\t\t$_->{ 'subject' }\n"; } } } } print "All (Note: the All folder skips trash)"; $messages = $gmail->get_messages(); if ( @{ $messages } ) { foreach ( @{ $messages } ) { print "\t\t$_->{ 'subject' }\n"; } } ### ### Update preferences if ( $gmail->update_prefs( signature => 'Test Sig.', max_page_size => 100 ) ) { print "Preferences Updated.\n"; } else { print "Unable to update preferences.\n"; } ### ### Show all contact email addresses my ( @contacts ) = @{ $gmail->get_contacts() }; foreach ( @contacts ) { print $_->{ 'email' } . "\n"; } ### ### Print out space remaining in mailbox my $remaining = $gmail->size_usage(); print "Remaining: '" . $remaining . "'\n"; ###