1.107   Release

1.1068  Fixed a minor warning put out by pod2man during installation that's been grating
        on the terminally pedantic.  

        Data::Dumper is now a requirement for running.  This has been included with perl
        since 5.00505.

1.1067  Fixed a problem where ptkdb would not evaluate an expression such as 'keys %hash' in
	its expression window.

	Fixed some problems with balloons coordinate system and made them respond faster.

1.1063  Menu initialization has been 'tuned' up a bit.   New handling for closure of window
        and quit.  Beginning to deal with 'reused' addresses.

1.1059  Corrected a bug where vars in the dbval subroutine could eclipse
        vars that were in targe code

1.1052  Added a configuration option that allows users to change
        the packing arrangement of the code and notebook panes.  
	Use xresource ptkdb*codeside: left|right|top|bottom
        Or environmental var PTKDB_CODE_SIDE=left|right|top|bottom

        See POD section item:  PTKDB_CODE_SIDE

1.105   Fixed incorrect evaluation of $@ in expressions.
        Corrected some formatting issues with the POD section.


	Fixed a conflict with 'qw' and perl 5.004.

        Fixed a warning issued with perl 5.004

        Corrected a problem with where using ptkdb for 
        debugging other ptk apps would cause 'grab' problems.

   This is version 1.1 of ptkdb, a debugger for perl that uses the
perlTk user interface.   It features pushbutton controls for run,
step-in, step-out, return, controls for breakpoints, expression
evaluation and package browsing.  


   You  use the MakeMaker interface:

perl Makefile.PL
make install

If worse comes to worse you can simply copy the ptkdb.pm file into 
cp ptkdb.pm /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.xxx/Devel/ptkdb.pm

On Windows:

copy ptkdb.pm C:\perl\5.x\lib\Devel\ptkdb.pm

To Test:

perl -d:ptkdb -e 1

Installing Tk:

   In order to use ptkdb you must first install PerlTk.

Using the CPAN module:

   perl -MCPAN -e "install Tk"

Using the Active State PPM Module:

   > install Tk


   retrieve the latest Tk archive from CPAN (Tk800.022 as of this writing)



   gunzip Tk800.022.tar.gz
   tar xf Tk800.022.tar
   cd Tk800.022
   perl Makefile.PL
# This may require su or root permissions
   make install


   # Unix WinZip to extract the Tk archive
   using Visual C++:

   perl Makefile.PL
   nmake install

Revision history for Perl extension Devel::ptkdb.

1.1  Mon Dec  7 14:36:17 1998
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18

1.101 Tue Dec 15 16:00 1998

       Corrected POD document to change -d:ptkdb1048 to -d:ptkdb

       Removed Dead code for font specifications and tag configuration
       that is no longer used

       Broke up a chained call to Data::Dumper->Terse->Ident into 
       two separate calls to make it compatible with older versions
       of Data::Dumper