# Chronicle storage system (perl-Data-Chronicle)

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This repository contains two modules (Reader and Writer) which can be used to store and retrieve information
on an efficient storage with below properties:
* **Timeliness**
It is assumed that data to be stored are time-based meaning they change over time and the latest version is most important for us.

* **Efficient**:
The module uses Redis cache to provide efficient data storage and retrieval.

* **Persistent**:
In addition to caching every incoming data, it is also stored in PostgresSQL for future retrieval.

* **Transparent**:
This modules hides all the details about caching, database structure and ... from developer. He only needs to call a method
to save data and another method to retrieve it. All the underlying complexities are handled by the module.

Note that you will need to pass `cache_writer`, `cache_reader` and `db_handle` to the `Data::Chronicle::Reader/Writer` modules. These three arguments, provide access to your Redis and PostgreSQL which will be used by Chronicle modules.

`cache_writer` and `cache_reader` should be to be able to get/set given data under given key (both of type string). `db_handle` should be capable to store and retrieve data with `category`,`name` in addition to the timestamp of data insertion. So it should be able to retrieve data for a specific timestamp, category and name. Category, name and data are all string. This can easily be achieved by defining a table in you database containing these columns: `timestamp, category, name, value`. 

There are four important methods this module provides:

* **set** (in Data::Chronicle::Writer):
Given a category, name and value stores the JSONified value in Redis and PostgreSQL database under "category::name" group and also stores current
system time as the timestamp for the data (Which can be used for future retrieval if we want to get data as of a specific time). Note that the value
MUST be either hash-ref or array-ref.

* **get** (in Data::Chronicle::Reader):
Given a category and name returns the latest version of the data according to current Redis cache

* **get_for** (in Data::Chronicle::Reader):
Given a category, name and timestamp returns version of data under "category::name" as of the given date (using a DB lookup).

* **get_for_period** (in Data::Chronicle::Reader):
Given a category, name, start_timestamp and end_timestamp returns an array-ref containing all data stored between given period for the given "category::name" (using a DB lookup).

## Examples ##

my $d = get_some_log_data();

my $chronicle_w = Data::Chronicle::Writer->new( 
    cache_writer => $writer,
    db_handle    => $dbh);

my $chronicle_r = Data::Chronicle::Reader->new( 
    cache_reader => $reader, 
    db_handle    => $dbh);

#store data into Chronicle - each time we call `set` it will also store 
#a copy of the data for historical data retrieval
$chronicle_w->set("log_files", "syslog", $d);

#retrieve latest data stored for syslog under log_files category
my $dt = $chronicle_r->get("log_files", "syslog");

#find historical data for `syslog` at given point in time
my $some_old_data = $chronicle_r->get_for("log_files", "syslog", $epoch1);
