use IO::Prompt::I18N qw(prompt confirm);
     use Text::LocaleDomain 'My-App';
     my $file = prompt(__"Enter filename");
     if (confirm(__"Really delete filename", {lang=>"id", default=>0})) {
         unlink $file;


    This module provides the prompt function to ask for a value from STDIN.
    It features prompt text, default value, validation (using regex),
    optional/required. It also provides confirm wrapper to ask yes/no, with
    localizable text.


 prompt([ $text[, \%opts] ]) => val

    Display $text and ask value from STDIN. Will re-ask if value is not
    valid. Return the chomp-ed value.


      * var => \$var

      * required => bool

      If set to true then will require that value is not empty

      * default => VALUE

      Set default value.

      * show_default => bool (default: 1)

      Whether to show default value if defined.

      * regex => REGEX

      Validate using regex.

 confirm([ $text, [\%opts] ]) => bool

    Display $text (defaults to Confirm in English) and ask for yes or no.
    Will return bool. Basically a convenient wrapper around prompt.


      * lang => str

      Support several languages (id, en, fr). Default to using
      LANG/LANGUAGE or English. Will preset yes_words and no_words and adds
      the choice of words to $text. Will die if language is not supported.
      Here are the supported languages:

        lang  yes_words     no_regex   default text
        ----  ---------     --------   ------------
        en    y, yes        n, no      Confirm
        fr    o, oui        n, non     Confirmer
        id    y, ya         t, tidak   Konfirmasi

      * yes_words => array

      Overrides preset from lang.

      * no_words => array

      Overrides preset from lang.

      * default => bool

      Set default value.


    IO::Prompt, IO::Prompt::Tiny, Term::Prompt, Prompt::Timeout