# NAME Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast - Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code # SYNOPSIS use Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast; my $p = Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast->new($filename); print $p->minimum_version, "\n"; # DESCRIPTION "Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast" takes Perl source code and calculates the minimum version of perl required to be able to run it. Because it is based on goccy's [Compiler::Lexer](https://metacpan.org/pod/Compiler%3A%3ALexer), it can do this without having to actually load the code. Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast is an alternative fast & lightweight implementation of Perl::MinimumVersion. This module supports only Perl 5.8.1+. If you want to support **Perl 5.6**, use [Perl::MinimumVersion](https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl%3A%3AMinimumVersion) instead. In 2013, you don't need to support Perl 5.6 in most of case. # METHODS - `my $p = Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast->new($filename);` - `my $p = Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast->new(\$src);` Create new instance. You can create object from `$filename` and `\$src` in string. - `$p->minimum_version();` Get a minimum perl version the code required. - `$p->minimum_explicit_version()` The `minimum_explicit_version` method checks through Perl code for the use of explicit version dependencies such as. use 5.006; require 5.005_03; Although there is almost always only one of these in a file, if more than one are found, the highest version dependency will be returned. Returns a [version](https://metacpan.org/pod/version) object, `undef` if no dependencies could be found. - `$p->minimum_syntax_version()` The `minimum_syntax_version` method will explicitly test only the Document's syntax to determine it's minimum version, to the extent that this is possible. Returns a [version](https://metacpan.org/pod/version) object, `undef` if no dependencies could be found. - version\_markers This method returns a list of pairs in the form: ($version, \@markers) Each pair represents all the markers that could be found indicating that the version was the minimum needed version. `@markers` is an array of strings. Currently, these strings are not as clear as they might be, but this may be changed in the future. In other words: don't rely on them as specific identifiers. # BENCHMARK Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast is faster than Perl::MinimumVersion. Because Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast uses [Compiler::Lexer](https://metacpan.org/pod/Compiler%3A%3ALexer), that is a Perl5 lexer implemented in C++. And Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast omits some features implemented in Perl::MinimumVersion. But, but, [Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast](https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl%3A%3AMinimumVersion%3A%3AFast) is really fast. Rate Perl::MinimumVersion Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast Perl::MinimumVersion 5.26/s -- -97% Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast 182/s 3365% -- # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokuhirom. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # THANKS TO Most of documents are taken from [Perl::MinimumVersion](https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl%3A%3AMinimumVersion). # AUTHOR tokuhirom <tokuhirom@gmail.com> # SEE ALSO This module using [Compiler::Lexer](https://metacpan.org/pod/Compiler%3A%3ALexer) as a lexer for Perl5 code. This module is inspired from [Perl::MinimumVersion](https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl%3A%3AMinimumVersion).