# Perl - Test OpenTracing Interface

Testing Implementations


### Testing Interface Methods

use Test::OpenTracing::Interface::SpanContext;

can_all_ok( 'MyImplementation::SpanContext',
    "'MyImplementation' class implements required methods for 'SpanContext'";


### Testing Implementation Typechecks

use Test::OpenTracing::Interface::SpanContext;

my $test_object = MyImplementation::SpanContext->new();

interface_lives_ok( $test_object,
    "'MyImplementation' class is strict on typechecks for 'SpanContext'";



Test::OpenTracing::Interface is an easy way to check your OpenTracing compliant

The `can_all_ok` test, basically run `can_ok` tests.

The `lives_ok` and `dies_ok` test run a series of test against each
(required) method, to see if they are fault tolerant or strict on accepting in
coming parameters and returned results.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is
provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties.

For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.