NAME Test2::Tools::MemoryCycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references VERSION version 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Test2::V0; use Test2::Tools::MemoryCycle; my $foo = { bar => 1 }; memory_cycle_ok $foo; # pass $foo->{baz} = sub { print $foo->{bar}, "\n"; }; memory_cycle_ok $foo; # fail done_testing; DESCRIPTION Perl's garbage collection has one big problem: Circular references can't get cleaned up. The above example is the sort of thing that sometimes trips me up, where a code reference inside a data structure refers to another part of the data structure. There already exists a good testing module to find these sort of problems: Test::Memory::Cycle, so why write this one? Well that module uses Test::Builder, and this one instead uses Test2::API. If you want to write Test2::Suite tests without pulling in Test::Builder then this is the cycle testing module for you. This module also uses the standard Exporter interface, instead of letting you specify a test plan. That behavior was once in vogue I guess, but I do not care for it. FUNCTIONS memory_cycle_ok memory_cycle_ok $reference, $message; memory_cycle_ok $reference; Checks that $reference doesn't have any circular memory references. CAVEATS This module is based on and quite similar to Test::Memory::Cycle. That module is more mature, and has more features. So far I only need the one test function. Other features may be added in the future. SEE ALSO Test::Memory::Cycle Devel::Cycle AUTHOR Graham Ollis <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.