SYNOPSIS use Faker; my $faker = Faker->new; my $company = $faker->provider('Company'); my $address = $faker->provider('Address'); say $company->name; say $address->lines; # or say $faker->company_name; say $faker->address_lines; DESCRIPTION Faker is a Perl library that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker makes it easy to generate fake data. Note: This is an early release available for testing and feedback and as such is subject to change. $faker->namespace('MyApp::FakeData'); The namespace attribute contains the namespace from which providers will be loaded. This attribute defaults to Faker::Provider. $faker->locale('en_US'); The locale attribute contains the locale string which is concatenated with the namespace attribute to load fake data which is locale-specific. $faker->provider('Company'); # Faker::Provider::en_US::Company The provider method uses the namespace and locale attributes to load a particular provider which provides methods to generate fake data. $faker->address_city_name; # Kirkville The address_city_name method generates a random ficticious city name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the city_name method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_city_prefix; # West The address_city_prefix method generates a random ficticious city prefix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the city_prefix method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class. $faker->address_city_suffix; # ville The address_city_suffix method generates a random ficticious city suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the city_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_country_name; # France The address_country_name method generates a random ficticious country name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the country_name method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class. $faker->address_latitude; # 59.682733 The address_latitude method generates a random ficticious latitude point. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the latitude method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_line1; # 4765 Goodwin Street The address_line1 method generates a random ficticious street address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the line1 method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_line2; # Apt. 835 The address_line2 method generates a random ficticious address line2. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the line2 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class. $faker->address_lines; # 5111 McClure Avenue, Laneville, 29442 The address_lines method generates a random ficticious stree address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the lines method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_longitude; # 73.002746 The address_longitude method generates a random ficticious longitude point. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the longitude method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_number; # 4568 The address_number method generates a random ficticious street number. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the number method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_postal_code; # 11083-9440 The address_postal_code method generates a random ficticious postal code. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the postal_code method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_state_abbr; # AS The address_state_abbr method generates a random ficticious state abbr. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the state_abbr method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class. $faker->address_state_name; # Illinois The address_state_name method generates a random ficticious state name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the state_name method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class. $faker->address_street_name; # Borer Street The address_street_name method generates a random ficticious street name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the street_name method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->address_street_suffix; # Parkway The address_street_suffix method generates a random ficticious street suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the street_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::Address class. $faker->color_hex_code; # af0573 The color_hex_code method generates a random ficticious hex color. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the hex_code method on the Faker::Provider::Color class. $faker->color_name; # PeachPuff The color_name method generates a random ficticious color name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name method on the Faker::Provider::Color class. $faker->color_rgbcolors; # 142,63,127 The color_rgbcolors method generates a random ficticious rgb colors. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the rgbcolors method on the Faker::Provider::Color class. $faker->color_rgbcolors_array; # [214,199,200] The color_rgbcolors_array method generates a random ficticious rgb colors. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the rgbcolors_array method on the Faker::Provider::Color class. $faker->color_rgbcolors_css; # rgb(214,199,200) The color_rgbcolors_css method generates a random ficticious rgbcolors for css. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the rgbcolors_css method on the Faker::Provider::Color class. $faker->color_safe_hex_code; # ff0097 The color_safe_hex_code method generates a random ficticious safe hex color. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the safe_hex_code method on the Faker::Provider::Color class. $faker->color_safe_name; # white The color_safe_name method generates a random ficticious safe color name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the safe_name method on the Faker::Provider::Color class. $faker->company_buzzword_type1; # embrace The company_buzzword_type1 method generates a random ficticious buzzword type1. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the buzzword_type1 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->company_buzzword_type2; # frictionless The company_buzzword_type2 method generates a random ficticious buzzword type2. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the buzzword_type2 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->company_buzzword_type3; # channels The company_buzzword_type3 method generates a random ficticious buzzword type3. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the buzzword_type3 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->company_description; # Delivers high-level capability The company_description method generates a random ficticious description. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the description method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->company_jargon_buzz_word; # circuit The company_jargon_buzz_word method generates a random ficticious jargon buzz word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the jargon_buzz_word method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->company_jargon_edge_word; # Polarised The company_jargon_edge_word method generates a random ficticious jargon edge word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the jargon_edge_word method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->company_jargon_prop_word; # full-range The company_jargon_prop_word method generates a random ficticious jargon proposition word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the jargon_prop_word method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->company_name; # Kozey Ltd. The company_name method generates a random ficticious company name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name method on the Faker::Provider::Company class. $faker->company_name_suffix; # Co. The company_name_suffix method generates a random ficticious company name suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::Company class. $faker->company_tagline; # infomediaries web-enabled brand The company_tagline method generates a random ficticious tagline. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the tagline method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class. $faker->internet_domain_name; # The internet_domain_name method generates a random ficticious domain name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the domain_name method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_domain_word; # orn-lesch-and-spencer The internet_domain_word method generates a random ficticious domain word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the domain_word method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_email_address; # The internet_email_address method generates a random ficticious email address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the email_address method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_email_domain; # The internet_email_domain method generates a random ficticious email domain. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the email_domain method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_ip_address; # The internet_ip_address method generates a random ficticious ip address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the ip_address method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_ip_address_v4; # The internet_ip_address_v4 method generates a random ficticious ip address v4. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the ip_address_v4 method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_ip_address_v6; # 8711:aa2d:654d:65b5:1079:ba06:bbac:d496 The internet_ip_address_v6 method generates a random ficticious ip address v6. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the ip_address_v6 method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_root_domain; # org The internet_root_domain method generates a random ficticious root domain. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the root_domain method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->internet_url; # The internet_url method generates a random ficticious url. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the url method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class. $faker->lorem_paragraph; # voluptatibus sit aut culpa et .... The lorem_paragraph method generates a random ficticious paragraph. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the paragraph method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class. $faker->lorem_paragraphs; # assumenda voluptatibus .... The lorem_paragraphs method generates a random ficticious paragraphs. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the paragraphs method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class. $faker->lorem_sentence; # consequatur doloremque assumenda optio rerum. The lorem_sentence method generates a random ficticious sentence. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the sentence method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class. $faker->lorem_sentences; # odit qui provident et quia. The lorem_sentences method generates a random ficticious sentences. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the sentences method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class. $faker->lorem_word; # utim The lorem_word method generates a random ficticious word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the word method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class. $faker->lorem_words; # consequatur suscipit asperiores sed similique The lorem_words method generates a random ficticious words. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the words method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class. $faker->person_first_name; # Jane The person_first_name method generates a random ficticious first name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the first_name method on the Faker::Provider::Person class. $faker->person_last_name; # Doe The person_last_name method generates a random ficticious last name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the last_name method on the Faker::Provider::Person class. $faker->person_name; # Jane Doe The person_name method generates a random ficticious full name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name method on the Faker::Provider::Person class. $faker->person_name_prefix; # Ms. The person_name_prefix method generates a random ficticious name prefix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name_prefix method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Person class. $faker->person_name_suffix; # IV The person_name_suffix method generates a random ficticious name suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Person class. $faker->person_username; # John74 The person_username method generates a random ficticious username. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the username method on the Faker::Provider::Person class. $faker->telephone_number; # 319-193-6964 The telephone_number method generates a random ficticious telephone number. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the number method on the Faker::Provider::Telephone class. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Some parts of this library were adopted from the following implementations. * JS Faker * PHP Faker * Python Faker * Ruby Faker POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 28: Unknown directive: =attribute Around line 35: Unknown directive: =attribute Around line 42: Unknown directive: =method Around line 49: Unknown directive: =method Around line 57: Unknown directive: =method Around line 65: Unknown directive: =method Around line 73: Unknown directive: =method Around line 81: Unknown directive: =method Around line 89: Unknown directive: =method Around line 97: Unknown directive: =method Around line 105: Unknown directive: =method Around line 113: Unknown directive: =method Around line 121: Unknown directive: =method Around line 129: Unknown directive: =method Around line 137: Unknown directive: =method Around line 145: Unknown directive: =method Around line 153: Unknown directive: =method Around line 161: Unknown directive: =method Around line 169: Unknown directive: =method Around line 177: Unknown directive: =method Around line 185: Unknown directive: =method Around line 193: Unknown directive: =method Around line 201: Unknown directive: =method Around line 209: Unknown directive: =method Around line 217: Unknown directive: =method Around line 225: Unknown directive: =method Around line 233: Unknown directive: =method Around line 241: Unknown directive: =method Around line 249: Unknown directive: =method Around line 257: Unknown directive: =method Around line 265: Unknown directive: =method Around line 273: Unknown directive: =method Around line 282: Unknown directive: =method Around line 290: Unknown directive: =method Around line 298: Unknown directive: =method Around line 306: Unknown directive: =method Around line 314: Unknown directive: =method Around line 322: Unknown directive: =method Around line 330: Unknown directive: =method Around line 338: Unknown directive: =method Around line 346: Unknown directive: =method Around line 354: Unknown directive: =method Around line 362: Unknown directive: =method Around line 370: Unknown directive: =method Around line 378: Unknown directive: =method Around line 386: Unknown directive: =method Around line 394: Unknown directive: =method Around line 402: Unknown directive: =method Around line 410: Unknown directive: =method Around line 418: Unknown directive: =method Around line 426: Unknown directive: =method Around line 434: Unknown directive: =method Around line 442: Unknown directive: =method Around line 450: Unknown directive: =method Around line 458: Unknown directive: =method Around line 466: Unknown directive: =method Around line 474: Unknown directive: =method