#/usr/local/bin/perl # # usage: # g2ftpd [-p port] [-D] [-h hostname] [-l logfile] # # $Log: g2ftpd,v $ # Revision 1.0.1.? 1992/03/10 fxa # - hacked in double nslook to get full local domainname # Revision 1992/03/09 23:55:03 jladwig # - Changed domainname (myDomain) parsing to strip only up to first dot, # without regard to total number of dots. # # - Now do double fork() for each accepted process, to try to eliminate # zombies reported on A/UX by Farhad. # # Revision 1992/03/07 13:28:41 jladwig # - Program now puts itself into background successfully. # - Rewrote getRemoteHost to use socket information instead of passed # hostname, and return IP address if gethostybyaddr fails. # # Revision 1992/03/07 02:55:30 jladwig # - Runs as a proper daemon now, although it must be initialized as a # background process. # - Has command-line option handling for debugging, port to listen on, log # file, and local hostname. # - Prints date and time to log file for all transactions. # # Revision 1992/03/06 23:30:11 jladwig # Reworked program logic to something more like original version. # Added "err_msgs" array for ftp error handling # - WARNING - ftp error handling not tested beyond first error. # Fixed bug in binary file type retrieval. # Known to work on: # unix 0.7 client w/ type 9 extensions for types 0,1,9 # mac 1.21 client for types 0,1,4 # # Revision 1992/03/05 10:03:15 jladwig # Folded in error reporting changes from official v0.3 # # # Version 0.3 with a minor patches.... # # - jladwig - Slightly more perl-like syntax. # Added simple configuration arrays # # Version 0.2 with a good many bugfixes and logging.... #----Stuff here may need to be customized for your machine---- $def_port = "7996"; $def_log = "/home/mudhoney/g2ftp.log"; #Leave this empty "" for no logging $ftp = "/usr/ucb/ftp"; #whereever on your box this lives # # FTP error messages list @err_msgs = (': No such file or directory.'); # # File type extensions lists # @type_4 = ('HQX'); @type_5 = ( 'ZIP','ZOO','ARJ','ARC','LZH','HYP','PAK', 'EXE','COM','PS','GIF','PICT','PCT','TIFF','TIF' ); @type_9 = ('TAR','Z'); @binfspec = ( @type_5, @type_9 ); #----end local customizations------- require 'ctime.pl'; require 'getopts.pl'; do Getopts('Dh:p:l:'); if ($opt_D) { # Debugging switch $debugging = 1; } if ($opt_h) { # Use passed hostname $myName=$opt_h; } else { # calculate hostname chop($myHost=`hostname`); # get hostname $myName = &nslook($myHost); #ie: gets dotted num $myName = &nslook($myName); #ie: foo.moo.umn.edu } if ($opt_p) { # port at which to listen $myPort = $opt_p; } else { $myPort = $def_port; } if ($opt_l) { $logFile = $opt_; } else { $logFile = $def_log; # log file } # Catch signals... # $SIG{'INT'} = 'CLEANUP'; $SIG{'HUP'} = 'CLEANUP'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'CLEANUP'; $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'CLEANUP'; $SIG{'ALRM'} = 'CLEANUP'; $tmp = "/tmp/gf$$"; #I'll clean up; Promise! $tmpData = "/tmp/gfd$$"; #This one's for spooling $separator = "@"; #For encoding selector with hostname $host = ""; $getBinary = ""; # shuffle off to the background... # (fork && exit) unless $debugging; setpgrp(0,$$); # Begin main program # # tcp server code ripped liberally from _Programming_Perl_ # $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8'; # $myName = &getLocalHost; ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp'); if ($myPort !~ /^\d+$/) { ($name, $aliases, $myPort) = getservbyport($myPort, 'tcp'); } print "Port = $myPort\n" if $debugging; $this = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $myPort, "\0\0\0\0"); select(NS); $| = 1; select(stdout); socket(S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!"; bind(S,$this) || die "bind: $!"; listen(S,5) || die "connect: $!"; select(S); $| = 1; select(stdout); $con = 0; print "Listening for connection 1....\n" if $debugging; for(;;) { ($addr = accept(NS,S)) || die $!; $con++; if (($child[$con] = fork()) == 0) { print "accept ok\n" if $debugging; unless (fork) { sleep 1 until getppid == 1; ($af,$port,$inetaddr) = unpack($sockaddr,$addr); @inetaddr = unpack('C4',$inetaddr); print "$con: $af $port @inetaddr\n" if $debugging; &send_query; &handle_results; printf("Closing connection %d\n",$con) if $debugging; close(NS); exit 0; } exit 0; } wait; close(NS); printf("Listening for connection %d\n",$con+1) if $debugging; } exit; # Support routines # # Handle the query and send it to the ftp server # sub send_query { $query = ; chop($query); chop($query); if ( $logFile ) { $remoteHost = &getRemoteHost; open(LOG, ">>$logFile"); chop($date = &ctime(time)); print LOG $date, "\t$$\t$remoteHost \t- $query\n"; close(LOG); } if ($query eq "") { print NS "3 Incorrectly specified request for FTP (No hostname)\r\n.\r\n"; exit; } ($host, $thing) = split(/@/, $query, 2); $thing = "/" if ($thing eq ""); open(FTP, "| $ftp -n $host >$tmp") || do {print NS "3 Error. Couldn't connect to server\r\n.\r\n"; exit;}; print FTP "user anonymous -gopher@$myName\n"; $thing2 = $thing; $dir = chop($thing2); if ($dir eq "/") { #asking for a dir print FTP "cd $thing2\n" if ($thing2 ne ""); print FTP "ls -F\n"; $tmpData = ""; } else { #asking for a file $thing = $thing2 if (($dir eq "*") || ($dir eq "@")); if ($thing =~ /\.(\w+)$/) { # Grab file extension if there is one $ext = $1; $getBinary = grep (/^$ext$/, @binfspec); # Is it a binary-type extension? } print FTP "binary\n" if $getBinary ; print FTP "get $thing $tmpData\n"; } print FTP "quit\n"; close(FTP); #re-use the fileHandle } # Handle the results of the ftp transfer # sub handle_results { if ($tmpData eq "") { #maybe use an exists instead? open(FTP, "$tmp") || do {print NS "3 Error. Could not return list.\r\n.\r\n"; die;}; while () { chop; /^.+(:.+)$/; # Extract error message, if any if (grep (/^$1$/, @err_msgs)) { # ftp error print NS "3 Error. ftp reports \"$1\".\r\n.\r\n"; exit; } s/\*$//; # Hack out stars s#\@$#/#; # Hack out ats if (s#/$##) { # It's a directory print NS "1$_\t$host$separator$thing$_/"; } elsif ( /\.(\w+)$/ ) { # It's a file, Grab file extension $ext = $1; if (grep (/^$ext$/i, @type_4)) { # binhex file print NS "4$_\t$host$separator$thing$_"; } elsif (grep (/^$ext$/i, @type_5)) { # DOS scrap print NS "5$_\t$host$separator$thing$_"; } elsif (grep (/^$ext$/i, @type_9)) { # .tar .Z print NS "9$_\t$host$separator$thing$_"; } else { # Default text file (w/ extension) print NS "0$_\t$host$separator$thing$_"; } } else { # Default text file (w/o extension) print NS "0$_\t$host$separator$thing$_"; } print NS "\t$myName\t$myPort\r\n"; } print NS ".\r\n"; } elsif ($getBinary) { open(FTP, "$tmpData") || do {print NS "3 Error. Could not transfer file.\r\n.\r\n"; exit;}; while (read(FTP, $buf, 16384)) { print NS $buf; } } elsif (-T $tmpData) { open(FTP, "$tmpData") || do {print NS "3 Error. Could not transfer file.\r\n.\r\n"; exit;}; while () { chop; print NS "$_\r\n"; } print NS ".\r\n"; } else { print NS "3 Sorry. Requested file did not appear to contain text.\r\n.\r\n"; } close(FTP); unlink("$tmp"); unlink("$tmpData") if ($tmpData ne ""); } sub CLEANUP { print NS "3 Error in FTP transaction.\r\n.\r\n"; unlink("$tmp"); unlink("$tmpData") if ($tmpData ne ""); } sub AF_INET {2;} sub SOCK_STREAM {1;} sub getRemoteHost { local(@ans); local($ans); @ans = gethostbyaddr($inetaddr, &AF_INET); if (!defined @ans) { $ans = join('.', @inetaddr); } else { $ans = $ans[0]; } } #----------- # nslook # Idea from a program of the same name posted in alt.sources # by Juergen Nickelsen , 10 Sep 91. # From: DaviD W. Sanderson # Modified for g2ftpd by Farhad Anklesaria 3/92 #------- # These convert between the decimal quartet and the internal form of # the internet addresses. #------- sub inet2str { sprintf('%u.%u.%u.%u', unpack('C4', $_[0])); } sub str2inet { $_[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; pack('C4', $1, $2, $3, $4); } #------- # Return a description of the results of a gethost* function. #------- sub HostDesc { local ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = @_; local ($desc); $desc .= 'Name: '. $name. "\n" if $name ne ''; $desc .= 'Alias: '. $aliases. "\n" if $aliases ne ''; foreach (@addrs) { $desc .= 'Address: '. &inet2str($_). "\n"; } $desc; } #------- # Look up the address or hostname. #------- sub nslook { local(@ans); local($ans); $_ = $_[0]; if(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) { @ans = gethostbyaddr(&str2inet($_), &AF_INET); if (!defined @ans) { $ans = "$0: $_: unknown address"; } else { $ans = $ans[0]; } } else { @ans = gethostbyname($_); if (!defined @ans) { $ans = "$0: $_: unknown name"; } else { $ans = &inet2str($ans[4]); } } }